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Old 12-28-2016
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Default windows 7...64 won't find the updates after freah install

For those who are still using windows 7 64 I just reloaded the other day and noticed no matter what I did the update function would not work on PRO and ULTIMATE 64

SO, if this happens to you....follow these steps and it will work!!!!

After you get the drivers loaded after your load-up...

.type in services and scroll down to windows update. It will be set for automatic D or delayed...Click on this and change it to automatic.
Then type in your search engine (whatever that might be) KB3135445... after downloading you will get a standalone box something like XP use to be...Let this run for 10 to 20 min...THEN do it all again until you get the one (1) update it wants to install...It will eventually pop up the gray box that will ask you if you want to install KB3135445...click yes, install it!!!!! ( looks just like XP did for those old enough to remember)

after re-boot click windows update again...within 10 to 15 min you will get around 215 to 220 updates and all will be well!!!!

Do not run the stand alone KB3135445 and update at the same time...That doesn't work...

I had updated to windows 10 PRO and I thought it sucked!!!! Mostly because it CLEARED ALL of my harddrives I had stuff stored on EVEN THOUGH I had clicked on the box to leave all my files alone...

I hope everyone had a GREAT CHRISTMAS!!!!! and a upcoming HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

I7 5960 X / Asus X99 Pro / Custom WCed CPU
Intel 750 SSD 400GB / G.Skill RipJaw 32GB 4 x 8 PC19200 / DDR4 2400 / EVGA GTX 980TI hybrids (2)
"If you do what you've always done. You get what you always got" I know OCing is not the same as it was, BUT it still makes my heart beat FAST!!!!!
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Old 12-30-2016
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Kal-EL Kal-EL is offline
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Good info, thx Lakeside. Merry Christmas and Happy New 2017 year to you.
What kind of community do you intend to re-build?
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