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Single Stage & Cascade Cooling Single & Multi Stage Phase Change...

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Old 06-28-2009
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Don't know if this is helpful or not, but... got mine from Sdumper as well. It has a 3/4HP pump and a large (approx 1ft by 1ft COPELAND condenser). Without load it'll bump up to -53.5C , under load it's never gone above -40C, and that's after some serious benching. Has an evap tube about the size of an elephant's trunk, so positioning is no problem, not like those overly expensive Vapo-Chills.

Refrigerant I believe is R507, but like supes says, some of the custom builders add some exotic blends that give them better temps.

The unit came with a temp probe embedded with the evap tubes and plugs into any type K thermo - You can get a good one from Extech for about $100 bucks. If you're into tweaking you really need a true RMS DMM, and Extech has one of those for about $140 that inlcudes an IR remote temp gauge.

What you can do with your rig makes water look a lot like air. It's a whole new ballgame with an ss unit. Have admit though, I'm starting to long for a cascade, or, maybe winning those LN2 pots lol

and yeah.. people who take a down payment tend to take a lot longer to build your unit. I didn't pay a cent until the unit was ready to ship
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Old 06-30-2009
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My unit uses R507 aswel, meant to perform a little better than R404 I believe, or is it the other way round,
Never can remember,
Mine gets down to around -50 unloaded, and was holding an e7300 @ 5G 1.8v at -40 or less,
I wouldnt buy unless you know more about the unit.
Rotaries arent often used in SS as they are more power hungry, and while they perform better, often not enough to warrant the extra room needed/power draw....
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Old 06-30-2009
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Thanks for all the advice guys.
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Old 08-04-2009
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Neuromancer might just be on to something hereNeuromancer might just be on to something here

Got more info on the unit

R402A and tuned for 250W
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