LMAO, thanks for bustin my balls guys.

Much appreciated.
I guess thats what I get for trying to show-off some of my work.
This is the same sig I've had for 2 years, not sure why you pick now to notice it.
And honestly, I feel exactly the opposite about Linux, it is the only Unix-like OS that I would use and
IMHO it is the most stable OS available. It has come a long way since it's birth 20 or so years ago. Windows is so buggy and full of holes that sand-boxing it inside a rock solid, bullet-proof Linux environment makes a ton of sense to me.
Of course windows has come a long way too, and I do like 7.
You say two bad OSs, what do you use, Solaris?
Seriously, tell me you're not a Mac fan, and even if you are, you know OSX is just another Unix-like Linux ripoff. Nobody better at ripping off software developers than Jobs and Gates, they are the pros.
Much love